Cohen, Aviv

Cohen, Aviv

Aviv, son of Rivka and Yitzhak, was born on the 29th of Adar I, 5711 (1951) in Daughter of-Yam. Until his tenth year he studied at the Rishonim School in Daughter of-Yam, and when the family moved to Holon, he attended the Gordon State School. He was a nice boy, cheerful and handsome. From his youth he was a member of Hashomer Hatzair and was considered an excellent swimmer. When he completed his studies at the elementary school, he was awarded a scholarship to study at the educational institution at Kibbutz Mizra. Where his artistic talents were discovered, and he designed art metal works and worked in graphics, which was an area he wanted to specialize in and saw in it his destiny. During the Six-Day War he was a boy and his older brother served in the IDF, and then wrote to his mother: “War now, all the members of the kibbutz are recruited and the command in the agriculture has passed to youth. But if you’re afraid to be alone, I’m flying home to look after you. “His mother replied:” When you look after the homeland, you’re guarding me too. “Aviv was drafted into the IDF in early 1969 and assigned to the Nahal Brigade, Took part in a communications course and was attached to the Shaked reconnaissance unit. After a period of impeccable service, Aviv was released and assigned to a reserve unit. Upon liberation, Aviv returned to the kibbutz and his favorite occupations – frames and graphics. “Aviv, my husband ‘s beloved little brother, was one of the liveliest people I knew … When he visited our house, the house was wearing a young and cheerful spirit … Aviv was a Yaffa, handsome, blue – eyed boy, smart and talented … But he reached an age when his talents began to bear fruit. ” Aviv married his girlfriend, Etti, four months before the Yom Kippur War broke out and moved to Jerusalem with her. The two planned to travel to the United States to study graphics and interior design. During his time in Jerusalem he made a living from various jobs, and there was also suffering and a brother in a hospital. About a month before they left for the long-awaited journey, the couple moved in with their mother in Holon. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Aviv did not wait for the reading order. He left a note on his desk for his mother: “Mom, I could not wait for them to come and call me and I went.” He joined the “Nati Force” and went with his men to the Golan Heights as a liaison officer in the command carrier. During the battle of the force near Kfar Nesej, on October 12, 1973, the commanding officer was killed and Aviv was killed and brought to rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery, leaving behind a wife, father, mother and brother “The officer in charge of the unit wrote to the bereaved family:” Aviv, of blessed memory, served in an armored corps unit and served as a noncommissioned officer in the command carrier, while your loved one served as a fighter, as a person and as a professional. All the soldiers of the unit express our deep sorrow and we share in mourning the death of your loved one. ” Things in memory of Aviv are included in the book published by the brigade in memory of its fallen soldiers during the Yom Kippur War.

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