Cohen, Aryeh

Cohen, Aryeh

Ben Ora and Shlomo. He was born on the 31st of Nissan 5731 (31.3.1971) in Moshav Amiaoz to his parents, one of the first residents of the moshav, and spent 12 years studying at the Habsor Regional School, graduating with a high school diploma. He played basketball at the Eshkol Regional Council, and was very fond of traveling in Israel on foot with a backpack on his shoulder, and he helped a lot of his parents in the agricultural sector. “To. At the beginning of January 1990, Arik was drafted into the IDF and volunteered for an elite unit, and when he was about to finish his regular service he wrote: “He performed his job to the satisfaction of his commanders, who is resourceful, serious, orderly, responsible and diligent.” He had plans to work in the economy and save money For a trip abroad with his girlfriend. On the 5th of Cheshvan 5753 (5.11.1992), a month before his release from the IDF, Erik fell in the line of duty. Arik was killed in a training accident at the Tze’elim base in the south of Israel, during a training exercise. Four other soldiers were killed in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva: Eran Vichselbaum, Elad Shilo, Shimri Shafran and Sharon Tamir, who left behind three parents, Alon, Shmuel and Tal, and a sister Sarah. In response to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Sergeant Rishon Aryeh z” l played a role as a non-commissioned officer, and Aryeh took care of his responsibilities with great devotion, and his commanders said that in every field he was not a ‘professional’ like him. His tasks quickly, efficiently, at any time, anywhere and at the shortest possible notice, he always stood up to do his job, not complaining, but on the contrary preparing the exercise with skill. They knew that he could be trusted in any situation, but above all he was a friend and loved by all of us. “

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