Cohen, Abraham

Cohen, Abraham

Son of Saul and Meir, was born in August 1924 in the Old City of Jerusalem to pious parents and attended the Porat Yosef Yeshiva until the age of 17. As a boy, his father died and his mother went to work in foreign homes to support her children. The eldest son of the family, could not accept this, and since the mother did not allow him to leave the yeshiva, he worked secretly and brought some money home from his salary, which he earned from every job he had. Nature, geography and history were for him a foreign world, but his perseverance continued to deepen, and after learning English and Arabic he was accepted as a post clerk, He joined the Haganah until the day of his death and was a sports enthusiast and a member of the Maccabi and Bar Kokhba associations, and with the outbreak of the War of Independence and the beginning of the siege of the Old City, he chose to defend its walls And he volunteered for the ranks of the first defenders, and spent weeks starving in the streets of the city, standing on the rooftops of the ancient houses in the enemy’s harsh attacks and sending half-dead to the attackers, who occasionally attempted to break into the Jewish Quarter. . Avraham decided to hurt him and did not listen to warnings from his commander and friends. On the 19th of Iyar 5708 (May 19, 1948), in the broad daylight, on a roof near the same sniper’s cave to hit the sniper, but before he grabbed the trigger Nora was engraved in a monument erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl Who fell in the battle for Jerusalem and were buried on the Mount of Olives.

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