Cohen, Abraham

Cohen, Abraham

Son of-Eliezer and Perla. He was born in Tel Aviv on the 13th of Elul 5712 (3.9.1952). Avraham’s childhood years were spent in Ramat Gan and he attended the “Netaim” elementary school there. When he was 11, he moved to Kibbutz Einot and joined the kibbutz children’s company. He was active in the society and began to build his world of values. Three years later, at the age of 14, he moved to Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek and completed his high school studies at the kibbutz educational institution. In addition to his studies, Avraham was a youth counselor at the Shomria Institute on the kibbutz. Abraham, who loved kibbutz life and work, made special contact with the poultry industry and found his place. One of the members of the kibbutz wrote about the others: “Abraham was different: he opened up to us with a smile that was open and kind, captivating, Yaffa, and with an outward grace and gentleness. His friends are mentioned with affection and esteem, as a person who is unqualified and who aspires to values ​​… ” He was an excellent athlete, specialized in volleyball and basketball – and participated in the educational team in these professions. Avraham enlisted in the IDF in mid-November 1971 and volunteered for one of the elite and elite units, completed paratrooper training and was given the wings of a parachutist on a blue background On 4/11/1972 he fell in the line of duty and was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul . The commander of his unit wrote in a letter of condolence to the parents: “- – – – A good and devoted soldier was enlisted in every difficult task and under the direction of Nablus, for every effort, you and his older brothers drew an example and strength to deal with this service. And his commanders and some will miss him along the way ahead. “- – – -” Yediot Mishmar HaEmek “published a list in his memory; His older brother Uri (who fell in the Yom Kippur War) wrote in an article in his memoirs published in the newspaper Al Hamishmar: “Avraham was a cute boy. We thought of setting up a joint home in Mishmar Ha’emek.”

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