Claire, David

Claire, David

Son of Pua and Eliezer, grandson of Rabbi Binyamin Kalir, one of the first settlers in Petah Tikva. He was born on September 15, 1926, in the city of Volkovysk, Poland, where he immigrated to Israel with his family in Petah Tikva in 1934, where he graduated from Netzach Yisrael, “He studied mechanics at the Max Payne Professional School in Tel Aviv, graduating with honors, loved reading books and playing, full of life, serving two years until the declaration of the state, and immediately volunteered for the army. David served as a sniper in one of the Alexandroni Brigade’s battalions, and was involved in the battles to conquer Tel Litvinsky (Tel Hashomer) and Operation son of-Nun A, He died on the Legion formation in Latrun, where he fell on the 17th of Iyar 5708 (26.5.1948) when he was inside an armored vehicle that was hit by an artillery shell, and was then considered missing, and then received a Red Cross report that he was among the prisoners in Transjordan. In memory of David and the memory of his cousin Zvi Marcus, the two sons who fell on one day on both sides of Jerusalem, the bereaved father Eliezer Kalir dedicated a booklet of poems “Meirav” (5725) on the 25th of Cheshvan 5760, (17.11.1949) was brought to rest with the rest of the victims of the battles of Latrun and Gush Etzion at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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