Choli, Zion

Choli, Zion

Son of Daniel and Matilda. He was born on the 24th of Shevat, February 11, 1950, in Herzliya. He studied at the Nof Yam School in Herzliya. He then attended the Ort school for apprentices, in Abu Kabir, in Jaffa. In his spare time, Zion was fond of drawing imaginary paintings and landscapes, such as a sea view, and he would love to go out to the fields and draw. He liked to read a lot, and write stories. He really wanted to study in high school, but because of the financial situation at home, he was not able to do so. He worked for three years in a small printing press, and was trained in the profession, in May 1968. He was drafted into the Artillery Corps, in May 1968. After successfully completing basic training, he asked for a driver’s course, and his request was fulfilled. He did not have enough time to serve the full compulsory service, because on the 25th of Shevat, February 13, 1969, he fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery, in Kiryat Shaul. The commander of his unit wrote, among other things, to his family in a letter of condolences: “His commanders and friends appreciated him and loved him, he paved his way in the battalion. He was devoted, quiet, and accepted by his friends and commanders. We will always remember Zion as a soldier who symbolized devotion, integrity and kindness. “

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