Chodorov, Menachem (Moni)

Chodorov, Menachem (Moni)

Menachem (Moni) Chodorov was born on the 6th of Elul, Augest 28, 1914 in the city of Dessau, Germany in a Zionist home. His father was a veteran member of the Poalei Zion movement and Menachem was a founding member of “HaBonim” in his city. Menachem immigrated to Israel in 1934 and learned carpentry. During the Second World War he was a clerk in the NAFI (British Army Reactor). He had two brothers and four sisters. His mother and two sisters were murdered by the Nazis on Polish soil, a third sister was killed in Germany. His father was interned in a detention camp and remained alive. The surviving sister arrived in Israel. One of his brothers was among the exiles on Mauritius. When it came time for Menachem to enlist, he joined a battalion of the Alexandroni Brigade. On 5 Tamuz, July 12, 1948, Menachem went with his battalion to Migdal Tzedek, stepped on a mine and died. He was brought to
eternal rest in the military cemetery in Netanya. He was survived by a wife and a son, Ilan.

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