Chever, Oshri

Chever, Oshri

Ben Gila and Avinoam. He was born on December 14, 1974, in Moshav Arbel, the eldest son of his parents and a brother of Edva and Ofir, who began his studies at the Kaduri Elementary School, and then moved with his family to Kfar Hitim, where he continued his elementary studies at home – “The House of Joint Education” in Degania, and from there he continued to the Beit Yerah high school where he studied in the electrical track, and was a very independent, mature, sociable, romantic, Oshri joined the IDF and began the difficult course of his training as a fighter in the Duvdevan unit, which he successfully completed. Oshri’s commander says he was an excellent soldier, who did his job well and was a candidate for an officers’ course on the eve of his fall. Oshri was killed in a car accident while on duty on October 16, 1993. The accident occurred when he returned from a weekend in Karmiel with his two cousins, who was eighteen and ten months old when Oshri was killed. , And his cousin Shay Lavi, who was a soldier, was wounded and Oshri was buried in the cemetery in Kfar Hitim.

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