Chervon, Victor

Chervon, Victor

Victor, son of Simcha and Yosef Chervon, was born on April 3, 1928 in the city of Alexandria, Egypt. When he was a year old, he was orphaned from his father. From his childhood he aspired to be a “courageous fighter,” and would complain to his mother, “Why was I born in Egypt and when will we immigrate to the land of our forefathers?” In 1935 he immigrated with his family to Israel. Victor was quiet and pleasant, diligent in his work, forgiving and loved by his friends. He joined the Palmach and served in Caesarea for a month and a half and was one of the defenders of Tel Aviv’s borders. When he was seventeen years old, Victor enlisted, and worked in a military garage at an airport and as a foundry in military work, and spent his free time preparing and repairing weapons. From there he moved to Jerusalem and participated in the conquest of Katamon. In Katamon, Victor was seriously injured by a bullet in the spinal cord. He was in a military hospital for ten days and was eager to see victory over the enemy, but died of his wounds on the 2nd of Iyar, May 11, 1948. He was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem and on the 19th of Elul, September 20, 1951, was reinterred in the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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