Chen (Chondiashvili), Zohar (Zalman)

Chen (Chondiashvili), Zohar (Zalman)

Son of Shimon and Hannah. He was born on February 28, 1959. In 1972, when he was 14 years old, he immigrated with his family to Israel. The family lived in Beit Shemesh. After graduating from elementary school in the Soviet Union, he completed his high school studies at the Beit Bayan Vagan Youth Vocational School, specializing in mechanical drawing, although he immigrated to Israel at a relatively late age, quickly acclimated to the local youth society, According to the testimony of his friends, “he was a good friend in the company, a cheerful, diligent athlete, a good, friendly athlete, and one of the most diligent students in the class. He completed the course in “Renovation of Systems” successfully, and in the course of the course the commander of the course was Zohar “a disciplined soldier, quiet, orderly and a good student.” He was later assigned to the aircraft maintenance unit as a mechanical frame. In the military framework, he suffered from social difficulties and tended to be alone. His work performed efficiently and devotedly, but at every opportunity of vacation he made the long way back to his home. Zohar was very attached to his parents and the rest of his family, and devoted his short hours to helping his sick parents. On the 9th of Tammuz, 5738 (9.7.1978), he was killed at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, when he died at the age of 19. He left behind his parents, brother and two sisters in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family: Zohar was a disciplined soldier, a friend and a friend of all the soldiers in the unit. “The family donated a Torah scroll in memory of the Torah center of Makor Haim in Beit Shemesh.

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