Chelyaby, Avraham (Albert)

Chelyaby, Avraham (Albert)

Son of Perla and Chaim, was born on the 17th of Nissan in the city of Salonika, Greece. He immigrated to Israel with his parents on October 12, 1934. The family settled in the Florentine neighborhood of Tel Aviv. After completing his studies at the “Kol Israel Haverim” school, he worked in a baby carriage factory and was able to support his aging parents. Avraham was the favorite of the young people in the neighborhood, and his cheerfulness brought a sense of liveliness among his friends.

In the winter of 1948, at the outbreak of the War of Independence, Avraham served in the Givati ​​Brigade and served as a telephonist and a cook in the kitchen of the officers of the southern front. He was praised as a ‘cooking artist and was totally dedicated to his role, which he viewed as a means of enhancing the combat ability of the officers. On the 3rd of Tammuz, July 10, 1948 Avraham fell in Negba while performing his duties. On the 2nd of Sivan 5705 (18.5.1950) he was transferred to the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. Avraham is survived by his parents and a sister, Clara.

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