Chazan, David (Dudu)

Chazan, David (Dudu)

Son of Sabihah and Shaul. He was born in Havatzelet Hasharon on the 17th of Tishrei, 5721 (21.10.1967). Born and educated in the Sharon lily. He began his studies at the Avihail Elementary School, continuing at the Ruppin Junior High School and finishing at the Ruppin High School in the mechanics track. At the end of his studies and before enlisting, he worked as a garage mechanic. He liked the work and wanted to work in the same field during his military service. Dudu underwent a pre-military course in driving and in mid-August 1985 he was drafted into a compulsory service in the Israel Defense Forces, where he was assigned to serve as a driver, and on January 8, 1986, The military cemetery in Netanya left behind his parents and seven brothers and sisters – Aliza, Simcha, Edna, Dalia, Yaffa, Yossi and Amir and his parents donated a Torah scroll to the Rabbi Yosef Chaim Synagogue in Netanya. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “The late David served in the battalion’s battalion company and in his early days in the unit stood out in the quiet that surrounded him and his willingness to carry out any task and help his comrades when necessary. On the last mission he was assigned, he emerged with a smile on his face, willing to carry it out in his meticulous and quiet way – he never returned from this mission … He was a soldier and a model member “

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