Chason, Avraham

Chason, Avraham

Son of Victoria and Mordechai. Avraham was born in Jerusalem on March 23, 1935. Avraham grew up and was educated in Jerusalem. He studied in an elementary school of Hapoel Hamizrahi, and after seven years of elementary school he continued to a vocational school. During his studies he was an active member of the Hanoar Haoved movement. After a year of study at the vocational school, he began to work as an apprentice to the assessor at the Kirya office. At the end of 1952, Avraham enlisted in the IDF and served full-time service for two and a half years on January 2, 1955. After completing his army service, Avraham joined the Israel Police and served for three years until March 1, 1958, when he was released at his request. Four months later, on July 9, 1958, Avraham rejoined the police. He joined the Border Police and in the following years held a variety of positions, including serving in Company B in the Gaza governorate and in the H Company in Tel Aviv. Abraham was disciplined and efficient, diligent, admired by his friends and loyal to his work in the Border Police, and in 1962 was awarded a prize for the discovery of a large-scale smuggling. Sub-inspector Avraham Hasson fell in the course of his duties on the 15th of Adar (March 3, 1961). On the same day, he was a member of a Border Police unit who was in a police car for observation and patrol, and the road was disrupted and filled with rocks and pits, causing the car to jump while driving. He died on the way to the hospital. Avraham was twenty-six years old when he fell. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl, Jerusalem.

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