Chalabi, Chamad

Chalabi, Chamad

Son of Naifeh and Salman. Hamad was born in the village of Yirka in 1936. Hamad joined the army in 1956. He served as a combatant in elite units that received operational tasks of great security value. In these units he acquired combat skills and trained himself as an excellent fighter. He was discharged from the army after serving two years in 1957. On 24 December 1959, at 9:00 am, a Border Police force deployed on the ridges opposite the Syrian positions in the Tel Katzir area. The objective was to protect and observe the Syrians. The power he had enjoyed was on the hill of the Alexes. The Syrians noticed Border Police forces and opened machine-gun fire from Syrian positions towards the observation post, and the Border Police responded with fire. Hamad was twenty-three years old when he fell. He was buried in the cemetery in Yarka. He left behind a wife – Hajla, and Daughter of – Hemda.

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