Chaim, David (Drako)

Chaim, David (Drako)

Son of Charlotte and Abraham, was born on the 14th of Elul, September 7, 1930 in Hamburg, Germany. When he was six months old, the family moved to France. He had a poetic soul and at the age of 11 wrote poems. In 1943, the family managed to reach Turkey and a few months later emigrated to Eretz Israel. Three weeks after their arrival in Israel, his father died and his older brother, Yosef, took care of his mother and younger brother. After the United Nations General Assembly resolution on the Partition Plan (November 29, 1947), he volunteered for the Nutras (Guards) and was sent to the front in the Jordan Valley, when he learned that his brother Yosef was seriously wounded in Jerusalem. Ten minutes before the start of the first truce, Davidwas hit by an enemy shell in the Russian Compound in Jerusalem, and his legs were cut off. David died 36 hours later in the hospital on the 5th of Sivan 5708 (12.6.1948). He was 18 when he died. He was buried at the burial place of his brother Yosef – in the Sanhedria cemetery in Jerusalem. On the 12th of Elul 5711 (13.9.1951) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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