Chachik (Arzberg), Esther (Ethel)

Chachik (Arzberg), Esther (Ethel)

Daughter of Chaya and Shalom, was born in 1921 in Olbsk, Ukraine. Her parents, eager to immigrate to Eretz Israel, made their way to her when Esther was four years old. After the hardships of the road they arrived in Israel in 1925 and settled in Tel Aviv. She received her first education at the Geula Elementary School and completed her studies at the Balfour Gymnasium. Seeing her youth as a nurse, she studied at the government hospital in Haifa. After completing her studies, she was accepted to work at Hadassah Hospital and was devoted to her work. As a member of the Hagana, she began to work at the beginning of the battles at the military hospital that was established at the “Yona Camp” in Tel Aviv. When the hospital was filled with wounded and wounded soldiers, she worked without a break or without a vacation. “Our young men are wonderful,” she said once after seeing with her own eyes the heroism of our young men, who had been shot down by an Israeli aircraft. On May 17, 1948, she gave up her freedom and went to work, and Esther was hit by a bomb near a sick bed during an air attack on Tel Aviv and brought to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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