Caston, Liron

Caston, Liron

Son of Dalia and Abraham. Was born on April 14, 1976 in Bat Yam, the eldest brother of Lizzie and Galit. Liron was a little baby who fills the house with light, and becomes a blond boy, full of life and playful, who already in kindergarten likes to play around and play tricks. His childhood takes place on the shores of Bat Yam. At the age of six, Liron begins his studies at Tabenkin Elementary School and despite his mischievousness, his grades skyrocket. But what attracted Liron’s attention more than anything else was football. Over the years Liron’s love for the game has deepened. Together with a group of friends he devoted a lot of time to games and training and once, in the heat of the game, even broke his hand. The team that adored Liron and his friends was “Maccabi” Tel Aviv and they, consistently, would come every Saturday for the team’s games. Anyone who wanted to tease Liron knew that all he needed was to “get off” Maccabi Tel Aviv after a loss, and then Liron is in a hurry to get mad. When Liron begins his studies at the “Shazar” high school in the sociology program, he continues to devote a lot of time to football, but he understands the importance of the studies and spends time with them. Liron, the boy who is full of energy and life, loved to go to pubs, clubs and dance, where he learned that his name was “heartbreaking” and many companies surrounded him. She accompanied him all the years, with no changes, no downs, and Liron could be identified by the smile, the smile on his face A young man with a conscience and a golden heart who does not know how to say “no.” In the summer of 1994, Liron finishes his matriculation exams successfully and goes down with his friends on a trip to Eilat. And Liron returned home full of renewed strength and prepared to enlist in the IDF. Liron was proud of his army service and when he returned home on weekends his parents and two sisters, Lizzie and Galit, gave him warmth and pampering, and at the end of that period A week in which he stayed at the base, they rushed to him with baskets and packed pots, and Liron was transferred to serve in the center of the country, in Tzrifin, as an ammunition and ammunition instructor. Liron’s motivation and his high training skills quickly promoted him to a senior instructor and he was given great responsibility. “Liron was very fond of his commanders, friends and reservists who trained at the facility, and the grades of feedback on his lessons were very high and loyally represented his high skills in training. , Kindness and eternal smile, which signified happiness and true love of life. ” During his service, Liron met his girlfriend Michal. The two spent a long time together and their relationship was warm and loving. From the letters he wrote to Michal, the character of Liron is reflected – a great sense of humor, high intelligence, rare romance, endless sensitivity and lots of love. When Liron began to serve in the center of the country and often came to his home, he took full advantage of his spare time: he enrolled in a gym, alerted his friends and, of course, played football. As the date of liberation approached, he began to plan his future and dreamed of a trip to the United States. In August 1996 Liron and his friends went on a “regular” vacationEilat. When he returned from vacation he was severely hurt by his leg. Liron was taken to the city officer, and from there he was referred to Ichilov Hospital. After a long and exhausting wait, he is transferred to a military isolation facility at Tel Hashomer. After three days without significant treatment, in which Liron suffers from constant pain, his mother insists that he be transferred to a civilian emergency room at Tel Hashomer. There begins a series of treatments that turn into agony. That night Liron underwent an operation and since then the operation has been anesthetized for five and a half weeks of suffering for him and those around him and is conducting a difficult battle for his life. This heroic battle surprises the doctors as well. After forty days of suffering and struggle, on the 4 th of Tishrei 5757 (4.10.1996) Liron, a handsome young man at the height of his flowering, returns to the Creator at the age of twenty. Liron was buried in the cemetery in Holon. He left behind his parents, two sisters – Lizi and Galit, and a friend – Michal. Liron’s family commemorated him in a Torah library and in a book he had published in his memory. “How much I love you Liron, / How much I miss you, / How my life is not complete without you, my son, / I miss you so much, I want to touch you, / To touch you, to caress You, my Liron, / and the longing for you – my eldest son – will always accompany me / The wound that will open in my heart will forever bleed / And every year – exactly on my birthday – I will cry for the lost gift / My beloved child, you have given me twenty wonderful years, twenty years of happiness, laughter and joy, / the twenty most beautiful years of my life, and I will thank you for the last moment of my life. ” Liron’s family wrote: “The twenty years of Liron’s life were characterized by joy, happiness, laughter, pride, and Liron was loved by all those around him and brought love to everyone, always with a smile on his face, stubborn, not giving up what he deserved. The memories of Liron are always accompanied by a smile – even at the age of twenty, Liron remained a child who used to play around, make everyone laugh and achieve an innocent smile, and Liron loved to talk about himself and to talk, He always tried to do as much as possible in a little time and to exhaust every moment of his life, an active child who did not rest for a moment He rested now, after a great deal of suffering. “

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