Caspo, Marcel

Caspo, Marcel

The only son of Chaya-Reiza and Chaim was born on May 19, 1928 in Dorohoy, Romania. He completed elementary school and four high school classes, then studied mechanics and worked in it. Marcel survived the hardships of the Second World War, and when the Nazi invaders were expelled from Romania, he joined a Zionist youth movement, and in the training of the Haganah and the Irgun Ha – Bricha. Marchel boarded the ship “Pan York”, which was caught and its passengers were sent to Cyprus. From there he arrived in Israel on April 16, 1948, enlisted immediately and served in the Oded Brigade. Marcel participated in battles in the Galilee and was among the defenders of Tel Azziyat on the Syrian border. On the 10th of Tammuz 5708 (17.7.1948), the Syrians attacked the hill, but were repulsed, and here Marcel fell and was buried in the city of Shar yishuv. In Adar 5709, (3.1950) he was transfered to the miletary cemetary in Haifa.

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