Caspi (Zilberberg), Eliezer

Caspi (Zilberberg), Eliezer

Eliezer, son of Pnina and Moshe, was born on the 14th of Teves, January 10, 1944, in Lodz, Poland, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1957. Eliezer (known as “Leizer” and “Luba”) was very talented. From his youth he was interested in many fields: from machines and planes to storks and history. He knew a few languages ​​and was an interesting conversationalist. He was very devoted to his family. Eliezer was drafted into the IDF in mid-August 1963 and assigned to the infantry brigade for the Golani Brigade, and after completing basic training for infantry officers, he was posted as a platoon commander in the Barak Battalion. His commander estimated that he had a strong will and ambition, devoted to his people, trained, disciplined and loyal. Later he was promoted to lieutenant colonel, He was evaluated as a good officer, with great initiative, dedicated to work and efficient, responsible, honest, independent, loyal, resourceful and professional, who succeeded in imposing authority on his subordinates. Eliezer finished his regular army service, volunteered to serve in the regular army, took a platoon and a small combat course and appointed a company commander at the brigade’s training base. During the Six-Day War, Eliezer served as a deputy commander in his former battalion and fought in Judea and Samaria and afterwards in the Golan Heights, where he was promoted to the rank of captain and later was appointed Operations Officer at the Gaza and Northern Sinai headquarters. After completing his training course for infantry company commanders, Eliezer was appointed deputy commander of the northern Sinai district and excelled in his position. In the fall of 1969, junior officers took part in the tour. In 1971 he was transferred to the Armored Corps. Later he was promoted to the rank of Major and was appointed as a company commander in the battalion, and after that he was appointed a tank commander, and in 1970 he married his girlfriend Ziva and the couple lived in Bnei Brak near his parents’ house. The first days he fought as a tank commander in the FIRDAN region, against many enemy tanks and infantry forces, and in the early days of the Yom Kippur War. After most of his company’s tanks were damaged, he continued to fight with only two tanks: During the attack on “Televise” He assumed command of the battalion and, according to its orders, performed the tasks of the battalion perfectly. According to his comrades in arms, Eliezer was an exemplary commander. His tank destroyed many enemy tanks. During all the days of the battle was cool and calm. After losing almost all of his company, he fought hard to form a new company and returned with it to battle. On the night of the 19th of Tishrei 5734 (October 15, 1973), when he led his company in an attack on the “Chinese farm,” Eliezer was hit and killed. He showed courage, courage, and dedication to his mission. For this he was awarded the Medal of Valor and was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left behind a wife, parents and two sisters.

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