Carmi, Nachman

Carmi, Nachman

Son of Carroll and Ruth. He was born on December 14, 1946 in Hungary. As a child, his mother died. He graduated from elementary school in Hungary and immigrated to Israel with his father in 1957. When he arrived in Israel, he was sent by Youth Aliyah to Kibbutz Hatzor, where he grew up with boys of his age who gathered from all over the world. He was joined to the “Erez” group, a class of “Aliyat Hanoar” students within the framework of the educational institution in Hatzor and the local high school. He was a member of the “Hashomer Hatzair” movement and was active in the Gadna training and in the framework of the educational institution, where he grew up and became a handsome youngster rooted in the country’s culture, language and culture. He was drafted into the IDF in August 1964. During the training period, his willingness to help his friends and to encourage those who had difficulties was evident. In the Six Day War he fought in the battle for the liberation of Jerusalem, the capital, with devotion and devotion. After his discharge from compulsory service, Nachman decided that his first duty was to help his old father, so he joined the work and met the task he set for himself. At the beginning of July 1969 he was called up for active reserve duty. On Wednesday, 19.7.1969, he was wounded in the Suez Canal during a heavy Egyptian shelling, and on the way to the hospital, Sgt. Nachman died of his wounds and was put to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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