Caritoro, Joseph

Caritoro, Joseph

Son of Baruch and Adela. He was born on October 19, 1956, in Romania. In 1965 he immigrated to Israel with his family and was then eight years old. He studied at the son of-Zvi elementary school in Ramle and completed his studies at the Amal School of Electronics. Yosef was drafted into the IDF in November 1974 and assigned to the Navy, where he completed a communications technician course and served for two years on a missile boat, where he trained for training at the naval base, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant. After his marriage, on the 18th of Sivan 5738 (23.6.1988), Joseph fell in the army cemetery in Ramle, leaving a wife, parents and brother in a letter of condolence to the family: “As a commander, for everyone. I remember the long hours in which we deliberated together on issues and problems beyond the training tasks. His personal willingness to contribute his time and personal talents to shaping the character of his apprentices for the benefit of the Navy and for their personal benefit was characteristic of his attitude toward his work. In his military service Yossi saw not only a national need but also a way of life. His role was never confined to instruction and instruction. The education and personal care of his apprentices were beyond the requirements of the position … “

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