Hazan, Yaish (Rafi)

Hazan, Yaish (Rafi)

Son of Yosef and Simchah. Born in 1955 in Morocco. He immigrated to Israel with his family in 1963. The family moved to the “auxiliary farm” in Beer-Sheva, and the economic situation in the home worsened due to the father’s illness, After 8 years of study at the Beit Ya’akov elementary school and leaving for work, Rafi worked in every job he had, and when the family succeeded in improving their living conditions and moving to a new housing project, Rafi earned a considerable sum of money in those days, his salary as a locksmith at a contractor in the industrial zone, and bought living room furniture, television and solarium, and Rafi bought him many friends who, after his openness and kindness, You used to hang out and socialize. To the end he thought Zais, the more able to move forward and learn which deprived childhood. Zais was drafted into the IDF in mid-November 1973. After basic training he was assigned as a driver supply Force Base. He completed a course for heavy truck drivers and became a regular driver. On the seventh day of Adar 5736 (February 8, 1976), Za’ish was killed while serving in the army. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Beersheba. Survived by his parents, four brothers and four sisters. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “We met Za’ish in our unit as a quiet and disciplined soldier and obedient to all the demands of his commanders.

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