Caleb, Hanan-Avraham (“Hanani”)

Caleb, Hanan-Avraham (“Hanani”)

Son of-Arieh-Yehuda and Rachel. He was born on March 21, 1945, in Jerusalem, where he lived with his family in the village of Meir Shfeya, and the life of the village and nature left their deep mark on the soul of the young child. In August 1963 he was drafted into the IDF, but his service was postponed until November 1967 because of his studies at the Hebrew Technion in Haifa. In the meantime, the Six-Day War broke out and Hanan was called to the flag, but from the moment he was drafted again he was in regular service as a mechanical engineer because he completed his studies at the Technion. Hanan gave his service until 18 Adar 5738 (18.3.1968), because on that day, during his service, his vehicle boarded a mine. – and accompanies the students of the Herzliya high school. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. After his death he was promoted to lieutenant. The commander of his unit wrote to his parents in his letter of condolences to Hanan, saying that he “did more than he needed in youth education and under his guidance. After they fell, a grove was planted at the site of the miner (Be’er Ora) and a memorial plaque was erected for him and Dr. Pesach Meilin (the doctor who accompanied the travelers as a citizen).

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