Butbul, David

Butbul, David

Son of Eliyahu and Simchah. He was born on August 6, 1956 in Moshav Hodaya. Studied at the Tze’elim Elementary School in Be’er Sheva, and continued his studies in a vocational high school in the automotive mechanics program. He loved his profession and excelled at it in school and later in the army as well. During vacations he worked in a garage in the city and gained extensive experience. David devoted most of his spare time to sports, especially soccer, and was considered a very good player. Ahava loved the country, and this love grew even deeper when he learned about the landscapes of the country on the many trips he made in the framework of the Gadna, and he was greatly admired by his friends for his qualities and his comfortable character. David was conscripted into the IDF in mid-August 1974 and assigned to the Armament Corps. After completing basic training and completing his training in a tank mechanic and successfully completing his training, he was assigned to one of the largest units of the Ordnance Corps and served as a mechanic in the armored personnel carriers. His commanders appreciated him very much, were satisfied with his work, and recommended his promotion to the rank of First Sergeant. At his recommendation, the commander wrote: “A very good soldier, dedicated, loyal, always above and beyond his duty.” On the 7th of Nissan 5737 (7.4.1977) David fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Beersheba. Survived by his parents, brother and sister. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the commander of the unit wrote: “I highly admired David as a man and as a soldier, dedicated, loyal, diligent and reliable – he performed his task with complete success. In his work he was great – he always volunteered to perform difficult tasks and did above and beyond his duties, and in the field of human relations he was excellent and accepted by everyone and a friend.

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