Bunker, Yoel

Bunker, Yoel

Son of Batsheva and Shaul, he was born on December 15, 1963, in India. In April 1968, when he was about five years old, he immigrated with his parents to Israel. The family settled in Hadera, where he attended elementary school. Afterward he moved to a vocational school, studied carpentry and completed his studies as a professional carpenter. Until the time he enlisted in the IDF, he worked in his profession and specialized in furniture manufacturing. Yoel was a diligent young man who loved to help others, respected his parents, respected his friends and behaved respectfully to older people. In 1981 he enlisted in the IDF and volunteered to serve in the Border Police. On the 25th of Cheshvan 5743 (11.11.1982), following the explosion of a gas tank at the Military Government in Tire, the building collapsed and buried the building. He was buried in the Hadera military cemetery and left behind his parents, four sisters and two brothers. His family commemorated him in a Torah library that was established in his name in the synagogue in the neighborhood where he used to pray his family.

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