Bumgarten, Pesach-Zvi

Bumgarten, Pesach-Zvi

Son of Hadassah and Haim-David, was born in April 1922 in Jerusalem. In his hometown he studied in the elementary school and continued to study at the Mizrachi Teachers’ Seminary, but after three years he was forced to stop his studies for economic reasons. Found a job in the service of the British army – the days of the Second World War – as a warehouse clerk. Afterward, he studied lithography, specialized in it, worked in a printing press, and devoted his family to his family. Zvi was a member of the Haganah in 1946. With the UN decision to partition the country into two states (29.11.1947), he was recruited to active duty and joined the defenders of Jerusalem and participated in escorting convoys to Mount Scopus and the surrounding area, “On November 21, 1948, on a high post near Abu Ghosh-Beit-Nuba, he was hit by lightning and died. He was buried in Sheik-Bader Bet. After his death, his commander wrote to Tzvi’s mother: “Tzvi was one of the best among the commanders in the battalion”. On the 17th of Sivan 5761 (21.6.1951) he was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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