Bukchpan, Isaiah

Bukchpan, Isaiah

Yeshayahu (Sabak), son of Rivka and Joseph, was born on March 23, 1946, in Uzbekistan, Russia, and immigrated to Israel in 1957. He completed his studies at the Reali High School in Haifa. Isaiah was a serious and dedicated student. His serious attitude toward learning was not due because he was forced to but from a thirst for knowledge and curiosity to recognize new things
He was especially gifted in the field of real arts and in language studies, and he proved to be a very gifted student, his love for books (on general topics) and the long hours he spent In their reading, he had almost a second nature, and the great collection of books he had acquired himself over the years was a good thing Haim, who was honest and conscientious, loved to help others and was a loyal and devoted son to his parents, who was drafted into the IDF in early September 1965 and assigned to the Armored Corps. In the Six Day War he took part in the conquest of the Gaza Strip and the coastal strip near Qantara, within the framework of the 7th Brigade, and was awarded the “Six Day War” and “Operation Service Mark”. In 1968 he completed his mandatory service and began studying at the Technion’s Faculty of Physics, and in 1972 he completed his bachelor’s degree with honors and married Dina, After completing his bachelor’s degree, he immediately went on to receive a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. He completed his research work in just one year, and was awarded the post of “Master” with honors, and during the Yom Kippur War, Yeshayahu took part in the braking battles against the Egyptians on the Sinai front, and fought on the 12th of Tishrei 5734 The Firdan Bridge, east of the Suez Canal, his tank was hit and he was killed on the spot, was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, leaving behind a wife and parents.

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