Buchris, Remy

Buchris, Remy

Son of-Esther (in poetry) and Pinchas was born on 1 January 1964. In 1966, when he was about two years old, Rami immigrated to Israel with his parents and older brother. She felt good, but did everything possible to fulfill her dream of immigrating to the land of her forefathers When the family arrived in Israel, she settled in Tiberias, where he was five years old when he began to study at the Talmud Torah school, Rami graduated from this school as one of the most prominent students of his class, and was especially outstanding in his studies in the Torah, Talmud and Talmud, and participated in several Bible quizzes. After graduating from elementary school, Rami moved to the Bnei Akiva yeshiva in Kiryat Shmuel near Haifa. Rami studied in a real-world track and excelled in his diligence. His teachers testify that he was articulate and sharp, diligent and persistent in his studies. Indeed, they labored in the Torah, his arrival and his diligence became a thing of the word, and he received high grades and many evaluations. Rami was pleasant, humble and kind. His friends remember him as though the smile did not leave his face. After completing his high school studies, Rami joined the IDF and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps, where he was stationed in the Barak Brigade and participated in the Peace for the Galilee War. His friends in the unit note that Rami was an exemplary friend and a man who is always willing to help others in their distress, and with the constant smile that he felt, he gave those around him the feeling of security and encouragement. Rami On the Saturday night, 25 Iyar 5744 (26.5.1984), when Rami led 2 jeeps from his base to the Rashaya in the Lev Rami was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Tiberias and left behind his parents, brothers and sisters, and his family set up a monument in memory of Rami and his friends who fell in the attack from the ambush. A Torah scroll in memory of the synagogue in Iram The Friends of Yeshivas Bnei Akiva in the United States established a scholarship fund in the name of Rami

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