Buchris, David-Ram

Buchris, David-Ram

Ben Dvorah and Ephraim Was born on 9.12.1959 in Kiryat Yam, near Haifa, he was able to read and even read the Rashi script when he was four years old. Rami attended the “Sinai” elementary school in Kiryat Yam. Throughout his elementary school years, he was awarded prizes and certificates of excellence for his outstanding achievements in school and sports, as well as exemplary behavior. After completing eight years of elementary school, Rami moved to the Noam Academy in Pardes Hannah, where he also stood out as one of the brightest students. Rami was not satisfied with his own achievements, he helped his friends prepare for the exams and helped many to successfully complete their studies. Outside the school, Rami participated in a variety of activities. He was a member of the Bnei Akiva youth movement, first as a trainee and later as a counselor. Rami was a basketball player in the Elitzur basketball team in Pardes Hanna, and even took part in a course for instructors and team leaders and graduated with honors. Rami had time for everything. He read a lot of books, Midrashic literature and Halacha and Agada literature, but also general literature. His talents were also expressed in the field of music. For three years he studied accordion at the Conservatory of Music and performed in several concerts. When he completed his studies at the Noam Noam Academy, Rami chose to join the Alon Shvut yeshiva in Gush Etzion because he believed in the combination of spiritual life and the duty to the homeland. As part of his military service, he successfully completed an officers’ course. As an officer he took care of his soldiers, who called him “father”. On the 2nd of Kislev 5741 (2.12.1980), after lighting the first candle of Hanukkah, Rami left with his unit for training and fell while carrying out his duties. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. He left behind his parents and two brothers. His family and friends commemorated the introduction of a Torah scroll and Torah library to the “Mishkan David” synagogue in Kiryat Yam. In addition, a scholarship fund was established for the underprivileged, named after him.

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