Buchbinder, Yitzhak Meir

Buchbinder, Yitzhak Meir

Son of Gittel Bila and Ephraim. He was born in 1914 in the town of Girash in Transylvania. As a child, he studied in the “cheder” in the town. He immigrated to Israel in 1934 and in 1936, Yitzhak was recruited to the Hebrew settlement police and served as a guard in the Ahuza neighborhood of Haifa and Metula in the north of the country. As a result of the worsening security situation in Israel, he showed special vigilance and even began to learn a signal. On August 15, 1938, he traveled in a truck laden with groceries from Ahuza in Haifa to the Carmel Forests, and on the way she encountered a gang of Arab rioters who attacked her and wounded and killed her passengers.

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