Brown, Mordechai

Brown, Mordechai

Mordechai, son of Rosa and Yehiel, was born on July 7, 1945 in Vienna, Austria. He immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1949 and completed his studies at the Shavei Tzion elementary school in Jaffa and at the agricultural school in Kfar Silver. Mordecai was an intelligent boy with a natural curiosity and a desire to acquire knowledge and education. He was always independent to an extent that was unacceptable to his contemporaries and was a devoted and loyal friend. He loved farming and agriculture, so he chose to study at the agricultural school in Kfar Silver. During the school years he also worked during the holidays in nearby moshavim. Mordechai was drafted into the IDF in early August 1963 and served in the Armored Corps, and during his service in the Israel Defense Forces he contracted a serious illness and was hospitalized for a prolonged period in the hospital. Because of his illness, his medical profile was removed, but he did not accept his condition and turned to the medical committees with a request that they restore the profile to his previous condition and succeed in doing so. During his service, he underwent a course for tank commanders, officers’ courses and more, and reached the rank of lieutenant. Was well versed in armor theory. During his service in the IDF, he was involved in educating future fighters when he commanded the eighth class at the military boarding school in Haifa, and after his discharge from the regular army, Mordechai worked at the Volcani Institute for Agricultural Research. Mordechai was a serious young man in his approach to life, was very sensitive to injustice and hurt when he encountered injustice, he loved the house, he would wake up Respect and even people who did not know him deeply assessed Oh, many of his plans and achievements were heard by the members of the family only after his death, since he avoided praising himself, and in 1970 he married Ilana, who was a nurse in the hospital where he was hospitalized during his army service. To his parents, his wife, and his two children, who were proud of them.In the Yom Kippur War, Mordecai was commander of a tank division in the Suez Canal sector and took part in the battles against the Egyptians on October 14, 1973. Mordechai was hit by a missile in his tank During the battle of the “Braga” axis opposite Ismailia. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Holon. He left behind a wife and two children, Michal and Idan, parents and two sisters. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote that Mordecai was a good officer, efficient, responsible and sympathetic, and devoted to his men; The deputy commander of his company in the war writes, among other things: “He managed to stop the enemy, he prevented his drive east, he did it with his body.”

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