Brochiner, Amichai

Brochiner, Amichai

Amichai, son of Meir and Esther Brochiner, was born on 19 November 1946 in the Nir Am group. Amichai was drafted into the IDF in February 1965. He successfully completed an officers’ course and was later assigned to the Golani Brigade. Before the end of his compulsory service, the Six-Day War broke out, and on the first day of the fighting, on the 26th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967), during an assault on the Rafiah junction outposts, he was killed and was buried in the military cemetery in Bari. Amichai was later transferred to the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant after his death.

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