Breuer, Abraham

Breuer, Abraham

Son of Gita and Eliezer, was born in 1925 in Vienna, the capital of Austria. After much suffering and shaking in the death camps, he finally immigrated to Israel in 1946. He joined the Hagana and was very active in its systems. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, he devoted himself entirely to the service of the homeland and was one of the first to fulfill security duties assigned to him in the Jerusalem Brigade. He was trained in the area of ​​the PIJ and Sanhedria in Jerusalem, building the caches and maintaining the weapons, and was one of the first to leave the area of ​​the Sheikh Jarrah and Nahalat Yitzhak neighborhoods that were occupied by the Palmach upon the British exodus and remained on guard until the occupation The police school of the Arab Legion, even after the residents had mostly left their homes in the area. Every evening he stood guard at the most extreme outposts and the next day he went out to ask the residents who had abandoned their homes and despite the constant bombardment, recruited most of them and succeeded in returning them to their duties. On Wednesday, July 11, 1948, In the Schneller neighborhood of Jerusalem, he was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul

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