Bregman, Menachem (Ahem)

Bregman, Menachem (Ahem)

Son of Miriam and Jacob. Born on July 1, 1925 in Tel Aviv, his family lived in Ramle, where his father served as a police officer, and when his father was four months old, his father was called to move to Safed as a district officer, The children called him “Acham” as he called himself since he began to speak, and since then he has been a lifelong name for his life, and later went to study in a Haifa school and was active in the city. During the Second World War, he was 15 years old and a student at the Reali Gymnasium He went out with his friends for a month’s work at Kibbutz Ein Hashofet, and then spent a year of work with the Ginnigar group, where he devoted himself to the sheep and goat industry. In one of his letters, he wrote: “… can I sit and devote myself to resting in chemistry or physics or the theory of land or heredity? One can only do this when he is sure that everything is fine. If there is no such certainty, there is no school, it is clear. “At last he decided to stop his studies at the Gymnasium and move to the Kadouri Agricultural School because this school educates working farmers and so on, he believed, in those years and years. The book was interested in aviation, music, music and Esperanto, and he also participated in a trip to Egypt, where he tried his power in poetry as well, but his intensive activity left him no time to do so, so he wrote only a few poems. The hand that holds Shallah as a shield for her As a squad commander in the Palmach Brigade, he was active in Juara, near Ein Hashofet, an important training base for the brigade. On September 28, 1945, his class carried out an infiltration exercise in the village of Reihania. Menachem was wounded in the leg and could not retreat. The villagers transferred him to the judge’s eye and from there he was transferred to the government hospital in Haifa. In the meantime he had lost a lot of blood and a few hours after his surgery he had lost his soul. He was brought to eternal rest in the Haifa cemetery. Lay down parents and sister. In the year 5707, a booklet was published in his memory entitled “son of Ha’aretz.” His name was also commemorated in the Palmach book. Near Ramat Hashofet, where he worked and fell, his friends and family opened a youth hostel called Beit Aham.

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