Bratslavsky, Yevgeny

Bratslavsky, Yevgeny

Ben Vera and Arcadi. He was born on February 24, 1975, in the USSR. The youngest son in a two-boy family. For nine years Yevgeny studied at the school in the Soviet Union and in 1990 the family immigrated to Israel and established their home in Jerusalem. His father and mother, both doctors, together with the boys, began their absorption in the Ulpan, where they learned the Hebrew language. Later on, Yevgeny studied at an evening school in Jerusalem. Yevgeny was a warm and loving family man who read classical literature, listened to classical and modern music, played the piano and visited museums and concerts.In late February 1993, Yevgeny was drafted into the IDF’s compulsory army service, He was sent to a Hebrew enrichment course, completed his basic training course, was chosen to take a sniper course, received the rank of corporal and was sent to serve as a sniper in the company of the Shaked Battalion. Yevgeny left with his unit for operational employment in Khan Yunis, underwent training with the battalion and boarded the company in Lebanon. According to his commanders, Yevgeny was a quiet, thorough and dedicated soldier. He was proud of his unit, loved to help his teammates, was popular among his friends and commanders. On August 6, 1994, Yevgeny fell in a battle in Lebanon during an assault on terrorists who attacked the snipers. He was nineteen when he fell. Captain Avshalom Oren fell with him. After his death he was promoted to sergeant. Yevgeny was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents and brother Alex. In the condolence letter to the family, the unit commander wrote: “Your son, Yevgeny, fell in the struggle against terrorism by terrorist fire during his military operations in the security zone in southern Lebanon. Brought his friends and commanders to love Yevgeny and to aspire to be with him. “

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