Bracha, Abraham (Avi)

Bracha, Abraham (Avi)

Ben Esther and Elijah. Born on 18.3.1975 in Even Yehuda, to Ophir, Amos and Yaniv, Avi began his elementary studies at the Bachar schools in Even Yehuda and Ussishkin in Kfar Sava, continued in the junior high schools of Sharett and “Inim” in Kfar Saba until ninth grade, and in the following two years he worked at a gas station and helped support the family. At the end of basic training, he was trained as a driver and assigned to the Liaison Unit for Lebanon. As part of his job, he crossed the northern border many times. My father performed his duties with great devotion and responsibility, and was very popular with his friends and commanders. He was a quiet and disciplined soldier who performed his tasks in the best possible way, with remarkable professionalism and responsibility, a patient and calm soldier who worked well during stressful and stressful times. In the last days of his life he was close to his direct commander who was wounded in Lebanon and assisted with devotion, love and care as much as necessary – and beyond. On June 24, 1996, my father was critically injured in a car accident near the Kadima junction. He was rushed to the Beilinson Hospital where he died of his wounds the next day, 25 June 1996. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Even Yehuda, leaving behind his parents and three brothers. My father promoted to sergeant.

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