Botnaro, Moshe (Moshele)

Botnaro, Moshe (Moshele)

Moshe (Moshele), son of Malka and Friedel-Shlomo Botnaro, was born on March 14, 1923, in the city of Durohoi, Romania. Moshe passed through the horrors of the Holocaust and worked in clerks, but he quickly responded to the call from Israel and in 1947 he set out. With many difficulties, he crossed the borders of Hungary and Austria, and when he arrived in Germany, he joined the kibbutz and was involved in agricultural and military training as part of the Hagana training abroad. On July 11, 1948, after many hardships, he arrived in Israel. The day after his arrival, Moshe was drafted and sent to a training course at Tzrifin and was assigned to the Givati ​​Brigade. He fought with his younger brother in the southern outposts of Julis, Abedis, Heratiya, Hatta, Jasser and others. On the 14th of Tishrai, October 16, 1948, the day after Operation Yoav began the breakthrough to the Negev, Moshe fell from the bullet of an Arab sniper. Moshe was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kfar Varburg.

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