Borkinsky, Eliyahu (Eli)

Borkinsky, Eliyahu (Eli)

The youngest son of Sima and Shlomo, was born on January 3, 1928. In Vilna, Poland, when he was five years old, his father and his mother were given all responsibility for the fate of the family.In 1935 the mother immigrated to Israel with her three children, After completing his studies at the Tachkemoni School and the Sokolov Gymnasium at the age of 16, he embarked on a year of service in the Naval Corps in the Zrifin region, and on his return to Jerusalem he began preparing himself for the entrance exams to the Technion. , But the bloody events that broke out in the meantime prevented him from realizing his plan, and immediately volunteered for the ranks of the Haganah in the brigade “I can not sit at home while the Old City and the neighborhoods are in danger.” He was one of the first volunteers to take any dangerous action and was always on the front lines of fire, two and a half months after the outbreak of the Second Lebanon War, Independence Day, 19 years old, was killed on duty as commander of an outpost in the Talpiot neighborhood of southern Jerusalem on Friday, February 16, 1948. In his wound, he gave the last instructions to the people who remained in the position, and ran dozens of meters to the first aid station. He quietly reached the Hadassah clinic, went down on his own from the ambulance and went into the operating room. After the operation, which lasted more than three hours, he died. He was buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. His name was engraved on the monument erected in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in memory of those who perished in the Jewish Quarter and the memory of soldiers who fell in the battle for Jerusalem and were buried on the Mount of Olives.

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