Bonen, Abraham (“Avi”)

Bonen, Abraham (“Avi”)

Son of Victor and Miriam was born on September 11, 1950 in Jerusalem. He studied for one year at the Remez School in Jerusalem and continued his studies at the Alumot School in Netanya. He then studied for one year at the “Neurim” vocational school. When he was 12 years old, he joined the “Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed” youth movement in Netanya, and participated in all the cultural and sporting activities of his branch. For two years he also volunteered at the “HaNoar HaOved” branch where he was a trainee. From the dawn of his youth he had been friendly, kind and intelligent. He loved to help others and was easy to reconcile. He was gentle, a good friend and loyal, pleasant, acceptable and loved by all his friends and acquaintances. He sought and saw only the best of life, for he himself was the embodiment of kindness. At the end of 1966 he decided to go to Kibbutz Einat and lived there for about a year and a half in a different way of life than he knew in the city. The kibbutz members loved him and appreciated his devotion. Abraham took on responsible work, despite his youth, and did his job well. In the middle of May 1968 he was drafted into the IDF and volunteered to serve in the Paratroopers Brigade, and he was proud of being accepted into this elite corps, and he was willing to serve him with all his Lev, and serving in the army was an important turning point for him. He was an excellent apprentice, and he continued on to a course for commanders and also excelled at him. He was promoted to sergeant and proud of his unit. He was an excellent and brave soldier, always ready to take on any action, even the most dangerous one. Indeed, he took part in complicated operations, which required courage, and with respect and dignity, which were appreciated by his commanders. During his two years of service, he often visited his home during his vacation and always went to the branch of Hanoar Haoved, to which he remained faithful. He would like to sit down and talk with the members of the Hanoar Haoved youth movement and tell them about his experiences in the IDF, and he continued to instruct at the nest as a soldier on May 15, 1970. He fell in enemy shelling near the Suez Canal. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya. A pamphlet in his memory was published with the help of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed Center and the Netanya Workers’ Council.

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