Bokra, Moshe

Bokra, Moshe

Ben Simcha and Chaim. He was born on March 29, 1964 in Netanya. He began his studies at the Tachkemoni elementary school and continued to study mechanical frameworks for two years at the Hefetz Chaim youth center in Netanya. At the end of May 1982, Moshe enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces and was assigned to serve in the infantry unit. After three years Moshe was discharged from regular service with the rank of sergeant, and served in the reserves as a reconnaissance commander in the Armored Corps. Moshe was an outstanding soldier and came willingly for every job and every practice. Be responsible, devoted and investor. In mid-May 1993, Moshe married a queen, and a year later, at the beginning of May 1994, Moshe was called up for reserve duty. On Thursday, 20.5.1994, Moshe was killed at the gas station “Paz” near the Erez checkpoint in Gaza City. He was survived by a woman and daughter, Shoval, who was a two month old baby, parents and nine brothers and sisters – Tony, Victor, Pinchas, Hannah, Eshkol, Yoram, Ofer, Shula and Ilanit. Unit Commander: “The willingness and willingness to contribute to the members and to the unit served as an example for all. He never said ‘no’ and always stood at the head of every mission. Moshe was an address to his friends in times of trouble, and he always responded to every request for help. “His family commemorated the introduction of a Torah scroll to the Heichal David synagogue in Netanya and the establishment of a garden near his parents’ home. Vegetables, and “Moshe” – to sort out husks from the field, factories he wanted and did not get to build.

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