Boaz (Aviva), Avinoam

Boaz (Aviva), Avinoam

Son of Shimon and Rachel. He was born on March 19, 1942 in Tel Aviv and attended the “Geula” elementary school. In his youth he was very interested in sports, especially soccer and basketball, and participated in several games. In leisure he liked to read history books. He was loved by all his friends because he was always willing to help anyone in need. He was cheerful and knew how to be cheerful and cheerful wherever he went. He was full of energy and activism and was the driving force in every social activity. Avinoam was a devoted son to his family and a good and loyal friend to his friends and everyone he knew. Avinoam was drafted into the IDF in February 1960 and assigned to the Armored Corps, where he served faithfully and willingly to act and excelled as a good soldier and as an excellent combat soldier. “His mother, who asked him to postpone his reserve duty when he suffered from back pain, replied:” Throughout the generations, we will slaughter our people; Now we are the iron wall and we will defend the homeland in our bodies. “When he left for periods of service, he was Simcha and knew peace of mind, because before he left he fulfilled all his obligations and fulfilled his obligations to the people he came into contact with. He was called to reserve duty at the end of November 1969. On December 7, 1969, he fell in enemy shelling in the area of ​​the Suez Canal and was put to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, and his son wrote to his parents a letter of condolence In the name of his friends and in his own name, in which he said that Boaz was one of the best soldiers in the unit and filled every mouthpiece Kidd, who was charged with responsibility, dedication and fall, joined a long line of soldiers who had fallen in the State Guard: At the end of his letter, he wrote: “We, his friends, will remember him and continue the mission until peace comes, which we all yearn for.”

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