Blum, Shmuel (Edmond)

Blum, Shmuel (Edmond)

He was born in the village of Egleheim in the district of Palatinate in Germany, and excelled in his studies at the elementary school, and shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War he succeeded in leaving Germany, His brother immigrated to Israel before living in Haifa (his parents stayed in Germany and perished) Shmuel studied at the Reali School in Haifa and then went to work to earn a living, where he specialized in weaving and worked at the Ata factory, Hanoar Haoved “and” Hagana. “In November 1942 he accepted the demand of the national institutions and volunteered for the British army to fight the Nazi Amalek, and for that purpose he” increased ” Shmuel joined the “Baps” battalion and when the brigade was established, he joined its ranks, took part in its activities, and reached Germany and the Low Countries after his discharge from the army. As a good and generous friend, he joined the “Carmeli” Brigade in February 1948, joined a battalion of fighters and took part in all his battalion’s operations, including the conquest of Akko, On the night of June 2, Jenin was occupied and conquered the outposts that control the city. The Iraqi army, which had moved to Samaria after its failure in the Jordan Valley, concentrated its forces and counterattacked. Shmuel fell in battle for Jenin on the 3rd of Iyar 5708 (June 3, 1948). On 20 Menachem Av-Tash 5708 (3.8.1950), he was transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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