Bloom, Yaron

Bloom, Yaron

Ben Liora and Gad. He was born on the night of Yom Kippur, 10 Kislev 5735 (25.9.1974) in Jerusalem, the eldest son of a family of three, Yaron attended the Menashe Elyashar elementary school and the Rehavia High School in the real world. Graduated with honors, a talented, smart and creative young man with a great sense of humor, straight and reliable, stubborn when necessary, with difficulties without any complaint, Yaron is interested in supporting and encouraging at all times: From chemistry, aerodynamics And electronics to photography, music and comics, in which he was able to express his sense of humor, but his great love was the computer. Yaron learned from his parents for the first time the computer of the Sinclair, the computer was the main part of his love and his work and his knowledge Yaron devoted most of his time and skills to his work and his work in the field of computers was above all else. . At first he was employed as a virus cracker and when his employers noticed his excellent ability, they integrated it into advanced programming. In his great love, he managed to sweep his friends and younger brother with him. From the computer at home, Yaron connected to the whole world through the international computer network, and managed a local network of information dissemination via the computer. Among his many activities on the computer he found time for the world of music, started with a flute and continued with an electric guitar. Yaron liked to play with his group of good friends, also “computer addicts”, music lovers and science fiction enthusiasts. In November 1994, Yaron was drafted into the IDF, and at the end of the basic training course he was assigned to the Maintenance Corps, where he was sent to the Maintenance Maintenance Course, received the rank of corporal and was assigned to serve in the Paratrooper Brigade base in the West Bank. Yaron received this post with great disappointment. He wanted very much to integrate in his army role his great ability in computers, and thus contribute to the system most of his talents. He felt that he was not contributing as much as he could, and later on in his service he tried to change his role. According to his family, his attempts failed due to the rigidity of the system. Nevertheless, he devoted himself to his role in the base weapon, and on his own initiative calculates the weaponry. According to his commander, Yaron was a disciplined soldier, who gave a great deal of himself to improve the functioning of the arsenal. He was given the rank of sergeant and when he was offered an officer’s course he signed a waiver. During his military service he continued to study at the Open University. He planned to integrate, after his release, in the “supercomputer” project of the Hebrew University, concurrently with the completion of his studies. On February 22, 1995, Yaron was killed in the terrorist attack at the Sharon-Beit Lid junction. With him fell another twenty-one soldiers and one civilian. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, sister Efrat and Noam. He was twenty years old when he fell. After his death he was promoted to the rank of sergeant.

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