Bliman, Shai

Bliman, Shai

Son of Rachel and Avraham. Born in Tel Aviv on June 6, 1962. At the end of 11th grade, Shai was a member of a national youth delegation, chosen by the French Embassy, ​​in coordination with the Union of Local Authorities, to an international youth camp in France. Shai was drafted into the IDF at the end of October 1980, but received a service deferral and was transferred to the Academic Reserve, where he underwent short-term training and went to study mathematics and accountancy at Tel Aviv University. At the outbreak of the Peace for Galilee War, he was sent to Lebanon. In spite of the short time he served, his commanders saw him as “a soldier with a special personality who radiated on his surroundings, devoted and caring for his friends.” On the 3rd of Tammuz 5742 (24.6.1982), only two weeks after he was twenty years old, Shai fell in combat in Lebanon during the Peace for Galilee War and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind his parents and sister. In his memory a competition for mathematics and computer science was held every year on behalf of the Faculty of Exact Sciences at Tel Aviv University and a book on the subject of “Mathematics A Computer in a Numerical Laboratory ” was dedicated in Shai’s memory.

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  • Name: Michal Bleiman-Harari
    Relationship: אחות
  • Name: Michal Bleiman-Harari
    Relationship: אחות

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