Blender, Moshe

Blender, Moshe

Son of Tzippora and Pinchas. Born in 1887 in Zamość, Poland, he was a religiously observant Jew, a disciple of the Gerrer Rebbe, and when he was still living in Poland, he acquired an inheritance in the Holy Land, and in 1925 immigrated to Palestine with his wife Ester and their five children. Moshe was among the first farmers who settled in Afula and worked nights to support the family, while continuing to study Torah and fulfill the commandments. One night Moshe slept on the threshing floor to guard the grain he had collected from his field. Two Arab robbers beat him and wounded him severely. On 3 Tishrei, September 12, 1934, after six weeks of life and death, Moshe died of his wounds and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Afula.

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