Blau, Moses

Blau, Moses

Son of Berta and Menahem. He was born in 1926 in the Borochov neighborhood of Givatayim, completed elementary school and was a member of the Haganah in 14 years, and was active in the youth movement branch in his neighborhood. He went to work at the “Institute of Judea”, the IMI factory that manufactured weapons for the Haganah, was thin and short, but was strong in body, and his character traits indicate that “not many things were found, but there was no silence in his soul. The light sadness on his face testified to this, even the characteristic soft smile could not hide it. He loved society, even his friends. He loved the act and found full expression not only of his physical strength but also of the will of creation, of practical reason, of the spirit of friendship and of the vision of aspiration. “On May 3, 1943, Including members of the Hanoar Haoved youth movement, who published a pamphlet in his memory on the thirtieth day of the Holocaust, dedicated it to the “Unknown Soldier in Israel’s Systems.” After the establishment of the State of Israel, his bones were laid to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak cemetery. The disaster was the cornerstone of the working youth’s home in the Borochov neighborhood and the house bears its name In this edition, another edition of the booklet he published on his thirtieth day was published, together with chapters from Ma’arachot, Pirkei Ta’as, His memory was also mentioned in the book of the fallen of Givatayim.

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