Black, Jacob

Black, Jacob

Son of Shmuel and Gitel. He was born on December 5, 1922 in the city of Przewow, Poland. He graduated from elementary school and studied carpentry. When the Second World War broke out, he was interned in the Russian zone, imprisoned and transferred to a labor camp in Siberia. From there he was released as a result of the Sikorski-Stalin agreement: he enlisted in the Polish army, and in 1943 he arrived in Israel through Tehran in this framework. He settled in Haifa and worked in his own carpentry profession. Was drafted into the IDF in June 1948. He served in the Engineering Corps, participated in the conquest of the Galilee and went to the most dangerous places On the night of 4 May 1949, after the IDF entered new territories, He was buried in the Sheik-Bader cemetery and transferred to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on the 27th of Sivan 5761 (21.6) .

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