Biton, Yaakov

Biton, Yaakov

Son of Meir and Aliza. He was born in 1955 in the city of Teluat, Morocco, and when he was one year old he immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in the town of Hatzor Haglilit. He completed his studies at the “Honi HaMe’agel” elementary school in the town. After completing his studies, he went to work and worked in various professions: paint, bricklayer, and more. He gave all his wages to his parents to help them with the household’s finances. He was fond of nature, traveled extensively around the town, collected antiques, worked extensively in the field of physical fitness and in various sports activities, in preparation for his service in the IDF.Jakov joined the IDF in mid-April 1973. While still in basic training, on 19 Tamuz 5733 19.7.1973), fell during his service. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Hatzor Haglilit

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