Biton, Moshe

Biton, Moshe

Ben Odette and Ezer. He was born on August 20, 1970 in Haifa. Moshe began studying at the Reali School in Haifa and completed twelve years of study there. As a member of a large family, Moshe was very attached to his older brothers and the younger ones. Was a devoted son to his parents and helped them as best he could. Monson, his friends called him, had a charming sense of humor and a rolling laugh. In his spare time, he played soccer and basketball, traveled around the country and read many books. Moshe was conscripted into the IDF in October 1988 and assigned to a combat unit, but due to a decrease in physical fitness (due to a foot injury), he was transferred to a rear unit and served as an administrative officer at a food base. (July 26, 1990), Corporal Moshe Biton fell during his service and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. He left parents, four brothers and four sisters – Eli, David, Danny, Linda, Dorit, Yonah, Nicole and Avi.

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