Biton, Eyal

Biton, Eyal

Ben Hanna and Albert. He was born on May 27, 1970 in Ashdod. He studied at the Shikmim Elementary School in Ashdod. Afterward he continued his studies at the Neve Herzog High School in Nir Galim and at the Miften High School in Ashdod, in the framework of frameworks. Eyal was a sports fan. He practiced for about five years in judo and karate and taught young apprentices. Eyal was drafted into the IDF in late February 1989. After basic training, he was assigned to the Border Police unit as a combat soldier. On the 5th of Tammuz 5770 (May 5, 1990) Eyal fell in the line of duty and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Ashdod. He was promoted after his death. Survived by his parents and six brothers and sisters. His mother donated a Torah library to his synagogue in Ashdod.

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